Category Archives: nature

Bizarre Tales from Appalachia

Appalachia holds its mysterious cards close, and with its cultural background, it is ripe for legend and lore that manifests into bizarre actual beliefs. Join us for a real Appalachian buffet of the strange and unusual. We’ve got it all: Cryptids, Native American lore, deformed humanoids, aliens, and unsolved disappearances. But what is believable, and what is just lore?

Edited by Max Holechek

The Mysteries of the Hoia Baciu Forest

Deep in the heart of Cluj-Napoca, Romania lies what some call the “Bermuda Triangle of Romania.” The Hoia Baciu Forest has quite the reputation of bizarre happenings – between reports of paranormal phenomena like UFO sightings, ghosts, weird energy fields, and a clearing where nothing living can grow, to mysterious red and orange lights and disappearing children, it’s even been the subject of lots of scientific research trying explain what exactly is going on there. 
But are these bizarre happenings explicable? What exactly is causing this serenely beautiful place to gain such a dark reputation?

Edited by Maxwell Holechek

The Disappearance of Kenny Veach

In 2014 hiker Kenny Veach posted a YouTube video about his experience with a mysterious cave that left him shaking and with a strange feeling of dread. Prompted by other commenters, he would set out to find the cave again and never return…

What happened to Kenny Veach? Did he get lost in the desert? Abducted by aliens? Start a new life someone somewhere? Does the mysterious M Cave exist or was it all an elaborate hoax? The quest for answers only leads to more questions. 

TW: Talk of suicide.

Continue reading The Disappearance of Kenny Veach

The Oregon Vortex & House of Mystery

One of the oldest OG Americana roadside attractions, The Oregon Vortex and House of Mystery attracts tourists, skeptics, and Mulders alike. With bizarre energy, trees that grow away from its center, animals that won’t enter, and its allegedly unexplained properties, it has been the cause of mystery for decades. Join us as we review every possible explanation of the weird behind this location – we’ve got it all: ghosts, aliens, demonic portals, optical illusions, capitalism, you name it!

John Tornow: The Wild Man of the Wynoochee

Wild men or feral men have long been a part of legend. Some even believe they account for some of the Bigfoot sightings throughout history. 

John Tornow reached legend status when his desire to be left alone in the wilderness turned murderous. But what really happened? Who was John Tornow and how much of the story reported was twisted by those who were left behind in the end? 

Continue reading John Tornow: The Wild Man of the Wynoochee